This has not been a good month for the Democrats and Obama to say the least. According to new polling, only 47% of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing while 52% disapprove. People are starting to really fight back against Obama's healthcare plan; only 42% now favor his healthcare plan and 53% oppose it. The town hall meetings have been going very poorly for the Dems to say the least.
The town hall Senator Arlen Specter had this week went especially poorly. You can watch it here. According to the latest polls Arlen Specter is now behind his potential Republican rival Pat Toomey, 36% to 48%.
Also, the according to the latest polling data the Dems are likely to lose two governorships in November, in Virginia and New Jersey. In Virginia, Robert McDonnell (R) is leading Creigh Deeds (D), 47% to 38%. In New Jersey, Chris Christie (R) is leading incumbent Jon Corzine (D), 50% to 37% according to the latest polling.
So why are things going so poorly for Obama and the Dems in general? I think there are several reasons.
The first thing is that the Dems and Obama have lost a great deal of credibility with the American people. One of the reasons for the lack of credibility with the people is due to the failure of his stimulus plan to actually work.
Obama promised the stimulus plan it would create 3.5 million new jobs and that the unemployment rate would not go over 8%. The stimulus was rushed through Congress without anyone reading the bill. Since then millions of jobs have been lost and the unemployment rate is well over 8%. Just today, news has come out that new jobless claims unexpectedly rose and retail sales unexpectedly fell in July. The stimulus did not turn out the way Obama was predicting, therefore many more people are questioning everything he says or does.
Another credibility problem Obama has is the fact that he promised he would post bills online five days before he would sign them. This has not happened. He promised he would end torture but he is still allowing the practice of rendition to continue. I could go on and on. The fact is he has promised many things that have not happened.
Secondly, the Democrats do not have a concrete healthcare plan to sell to the people yet. They are just asking the people to trust them, like they have credibility to do as they say they will do. For Democrats, it would not be a problem not having a concrete healthcare plan if they still had some credibility and the trust of the American people.
Third, the people are rightfully extremely worried about the deficit. The Dems have no good solid plan for dealing with this problem and getting us back to a budget surplus.
Fourth, the Democrats' cronies in the media are trying to paint anyone who disagrees with their healthcare plan as being part of some lunatic fringe. This is a brilliant strategy seeing how 53% of all Americans now oppose it.
Fifth, Obama's town hall appearance yesterday. It was horrible, obviously staged, rambling, and ridden with gaffes Joe Biden could be proud of. While trying to sell a public option he admits the U.S. postal service is in need of work and the private companies, Fed Ex and UPS, are, "doing just fine." Watch below.
Sixth, the lobbying and the corruption are as alive and well as they ever have been.
Seventh, Geithner. People hate Geithner, he is a Wall Street crony like Bush's Treasury Sec. Paulson. Geithner helped create the economic problem we are in. What is he doing as Sec. of the Treasury?
If the Dems continue on this path they will lose big in 2010. This is warning coming from one who is no fan of the Republicans and Bush--someone against the Iraq war--someone who did not vote for McCain.
The Stargate Project
2 hours ago
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