Monday, September 7, 2009

China Dismayed By U.S. Money Printing

According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the UK Telegraph:
Cheng Siwei, former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee and now head of China's green energy drive, said Beijing was dismayed by the Fed's recourse to "credit easing".


"If they keep printing money to buy bonds it will lead to inflation, and after a year or two the dollar will fall hard. Most of our foreign reserves are in US bonds and this is very difficult to change, so we will diversify incremental reserves into euros, yen, and other currencies," he said.

China's reserves are more than – $2 trillion, the world's largest.

"Gold is definitely an alternative, but when we buy, the price goes up. We have to do it carefully so as not to stimulate the markets," he added.

The comments suggest that China has become the driving force in the gold market and can be counted on to
buy whenever there is a price dip, putting a floor under any correction.

Read whole article here. This may help explain why China is now a net seller of U.S. government bonds. Even Alan Greenspan is now even warning about the potential for double-diget inflation due to U.S. monetary expansion.

The U.S. is addicted to borrowing, credit, and money expansion; if these trends continue the dollar will be worth significantly less. These trends can be reversed. I don't want to see the dollar one day worth the same as toilet paper.

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